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Our typical format is that, based on the expected demographic of cosplayers who will attend an event, we will customise a schedule of presentations and workshops for you. These can be performed either on one day or over the course of a weekend, depending on your needs. These can also be delivered as simple talks or as more hands-on workshops, to suit your event. 

Cosplay 101

Approx. Run Time - 45 mins

An introduction to Cosplay, and how to get started on crafting your first costume; from choosing a character, sourcing references, materials and patterns, all the way through to entering cosplay competitions.


Foam Basics

Approx. Run Time - 30 mins

An introduction into prop and costume making using Foam. Covering the basics including types of foam, knives, glues and heat forming.


Intermediate Foamsmithing 

Approx. Run Time - 45 mins

Sharing tips and tricks to take your foam fabrication to the next level. Talking about more professional materials and tools, and demonstrating how you can use the versatile material to replicate wood, bone, leather, metal and much more.


Advanced Foam Fabrication

Approx. Run Time - 45 mins

Upping your foam skills yet again, Advanced Foam Fabrication will explore designing custom templates, creating complex shapes, working with magnets, and other techniques and methods not covered at Intermediate level.


Hair, Make-Up and SFX

Approx. Run Time - 30 mins

A quick guide to wigs, body paint and contact lenses, and an introduction to special effects make-up. Learn how these finishing touches can bring your whole cosplay look together.


Cosplay Electronics

Approx. Run Time - 30 mins

Helping you add lights to your costumes and props, covering electronics basics such as soldering, heat shrink, battery types, LED types and light defusing methods.


Advanced Cosplay Electronics

Approx. Run Time - 30 mins

Making animated LEDs and motors easy to understand, providing Arduino programming advice and circuit board design hints and tips to really make your props and costumes stand out.


Costume Construction

Approx. Run Time - 40 mins

Exploring case studies of existing cosplay costumes and a complete run down of what it took to make each one; from sourcing reference photos and building materials, all the way through to finishing touches such as wigs and make-up.


Cosplaying Competitively

Approx. Run Time - 30 mins

How to prepare for cosplay competitions, including learning basic competition rules and formats, how national and international-level competitions work, conceptualising performance ideas, posing for photographs, using stage props, and sourcing and editing audio and video files to use.

Cosplay Talks

Live Demonstrations

Templating for Armour

Approx. Run Time - 1 hour

Learn how to make paper templates for a whole suit of foam armour, from helmets to vanbraces, and from breastplates to greaves.


Foam Fabrication

Approx. Run Time - 1 hour 15 mins

In just over an hour, we build a simple foam weapon live on stage.


SFX Make-Up

Approx. Run Time - 1 Hour

In this practical demonstration, we teach you how to apply liquid latex and other simply special effects make-ups.

COmmunity Zones / Cosplay Zones

We can co-ordinate a community zone for your event, with a line-up of cosplay speakers and workshops to entertain your attendees over the course of a single day or an entire weekend. In the last few years, we have amassed a network of fellow costume and prop-makers who can be on hand to deliver presentations alongside us. As well as stage talks, we can also organise displays areas so attendees can get up close and personal to our costumes and props. 

Cosplay Competitions

We are also available to organise, host and judge cosplay competitions for conventions and events - just get in touch with us!

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